The harnessing of tornados and cyclones solves the greatest
riddles of our past and opens the window to a sustainable future
Creating a 'Storm in a Teacup'
The Cyclone is the largest and potentially most powerful of all storms and essentially consists of two concentric ring vortexes set one inside the other. However, whilst both are driven by convection within the "Eye Wall" of the storm, it is the 'inverted' ring vortex (IRV) in the centre that gives the storm its immense longevity and the unique potential to produce unlimited quantities of clean energy and fresh water.
As the key to triggering the vortex of the cyclone's Eye, the ACE Mechanism enhances Nature to provide free access to the unlimited energy and fresh water available in the sea. The famous 'Butterfly Effect' of Chaos Theory is the key to accessing ALL that any storm can offer.
For as long as it remains over open water, the vortex of the Eye of a Cyclone can produce limitless quantities of clean energy and fresh water
Reconstruction of the Pharos Lighthouse in 2011 from ancient sources by L Krystek |
From a lifetime's research into the recovery of ancient technologies, I have discovered evidence that finally links the massive pyramids to a remarkably simple, passive technology for controlling local climate. Of even greater significance, the final evidence comes with the discovery of what (I believe) is the use of a highly pro-active, 'inverted' form of this same technology. From evidence found in the remnants of the last of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Pharos Lighthouse at Alexandria, I have now rebuilt all the essential elements of that technology.
The evidence at the Pharos (see Fig 1) strongly indicates it produced fresh water that was carried by an aqueduct to Alexandria. By reverse engineering from this one initial clue I have now collected a veritable mountain of evidence to essentially rebuild the whole technology. Physical tests confirm beyond all reasonable doubt that the Pharos did indeed produce fresh water from the sea by harnessing the vortex of a cyclone's eye, using relatively simple solar technology.
With some considerable success, I have now redeveloped the basic theory and techniques involved from the physical evidence and data left behind. With powerful links already discovered between the technology of the pyramids and Alexandria, ( I am convinced) it is now only a matter of time before theories developed over a lifetime are finally proven. If so, it will be a major breakthrough in our knowledge of the past and for the prospects of humanity into the foreseeable future.
Confirming the Record of Our Past
Known regionally as a hurricane or typhoon, the cyclone is difficult to get started but is otherwise very well suited and most amenable to being harnessed and controlled. There seems the very real possibility that in artificially reproducing the vortex of the cyclone's eye we might have the solution to all the problems associated with global warming, from the growing extremes of the weather itself, to the supply of unlimited fresh water and energy. and the ability to lift massive weights at great speed to great heights.
The newly rediscovered "ACE Mechanism" is essentially a trigger to artificially start and then control the Eye of a Cyclone that combines all the varying factors in one massive, artificial mechanism -- reverse engineered from the most ancient and impressive of historical sources. With the recovery of this ancient technology, humankind will once again have the key to the unlimited reserves of clean energy and fresh water that enabled the ancient Egyptians among others, to successfully farm the most arid of deserts (like those around Nazca, Caral and Sechin Alto in Peru) and to build structures around the world like the Great Pyramids at Giza that we still can barely replicate to this day and certainly not in anything like an acceptable timescale. (as revealed elsewhere on this site)
The ACE Mechanism works by replicating the known phenomena of storms and could, in theory, produce anything that any storm produces. Like a storm, it has the clear potential to produce wind and rain and lift large objects. However, unlike the basic storm, once established, the IRV phenomenon could be made to last indefinitely and be entirely self-sustaining. With a large and unbroken circle of clean air above and a somewhat larger circle of open water below, this unique storm phenomeno could, in theory, be kept going indefinitely.
A central mechanism supplies the energy to initially get the mechanism started but that mechanism can then be sustained 24/7, by the energy created by its own winds, in driving vapour from the surface of the open sea. Once started it becomes the ultimate Solar powered source of fresh water and clean energy.
Bringing the Pieces Together.
In a natural cyclone, the physical trigger is almost certainly a microburst, a deadly downdraft phenomenon closely associated with the collapse of a storm cell. In the artificial version, the ACE Mechanism essentially replicates those basic effects and enhances them to maximise the benefits.
The basic phenomena can be sustained and even enhanced by some form of warming around the perimeter and/or by the provision of a central cooling system developed to condense water from the very humid air that is a basic product of its design.
In Nature, cyclones are started and sustained only over the open sea. The ACE Mechanism however could, in theory, be developed and sustained above any source of open water, from an ocean, down almost to the proverbial teacup.
My reconstruction of the Pharos has revealed data confirming that the physical details matching my theory all once existed within the Pharos and its environs. This includes numerous details that have previously been seen as totally anomalous. A description of these details and an explanation of how they all fit together is included elsewhere on this site (see 'The Pharos Lighthouse' on the sidebar)
Harnessing the Perfect Storm
It is probably true that on any planet, its atmosphere, if it has one, is in a constant state of flux. It is constantly trying to create a 'Perfect Storm' or Perpetual Engine whose effectiveness will depend upon the daily insolation and its effects upon that atmosphere. Depending upon the regional geography and the normal daily cycles, the climate will oscillate above and below the critical phase-change temperature of the working medium to generate what we on our planet call our weather.
On Earth that cycle is driven by the sun’s heat and the phase-change reactions of water as it condenses and freezes and returns again to vapour. In human terms, that engine of our planet's weather will run indefinitely, exchanging heat and water vapour in an apparently endless, perpetual cycle. However, in truth we know that, should the ice caps melt or another unforeseen event take place, then life as-we-know-it could become all but impossible on this planet we call home.
There is little we can do to control unforeseen events but there is every reason to believe we very soon could control our weather, and certainly major storms, using a range of these ancient recovered technologies.
As a phenomenon, the cyclone is both constrained and greatly assisted by its containment within the boundary layers of the sea and the Tropopause (the invisible border between the Troposphere and the Stratosphere). As undoubtedly the primary engine of our weather, the possibility of replicating the cyclone with the ACE Mechnanism looks extremely promising and has to be seen as worthy of further study. However, as yet, we know remarkably little about how cyclones control and influence our climate. The only thing we can predict with absolute certainty is that the influence of these phenomena is very considerable.
Key Factors in Climate Control
If air is indeed entrained from the Stratosphere above, down into the basic phenomenon of a cyclone, (which is all but certain but awaits the stamp of being ‘Scientifically Proven’) it will supply no vapour or moisture to the storm but it will supply truly massive quantities of energy by the physical processes associated with what is known as the Dry Air Lapse Rate (DALR).
The DALR involves the adiabatic heating of Dry Air, a natural process by which air heats when it is compressed by its descent within the atmosphere. This heating process is far greater in dry air (the DALR) than in the air of the Troposphere that always contains (scientifically) significant levels of moisture and is thus ruled by the alternative Wet Air Lapse Rate (WALR).
The DALR is, fixed at a constant 9.8oC, per 1000m change of altitude (for convenience, 10oC/km). The WALR is nominally a variable but in practice is always very close to 6.5oC/km. The Tropopause caps the Troposhere as the start of the inversion layer that is the Stratosphere. The inversion in temperature commonly occurs at around –57oC but its height is variable with latitude and season between 7,000m-20,000m. An average is commonly taken as being around 12,000m.
IF Dry Air is indeed drawn to the ground in the Eye of a cyclone from the tropopause and above it will heat, at the DALR, by 10oC/km of its descent. or, on average, by around 120oC.
In making exactly the same descent, the nominally Wet Air of the troposphere will heat by ‘only’ 78oC. This 42oC differential will potentially add Gigawatts or even Terrawatts of additional energy into the heart of a cyclone that is commonly unavailable to any other type of storm. It has been claimed that during its reign of terror, Hurricane Katrina developed more power than all the power stations on earth combined, so gaining a real understanding of just what is going on and how, is pretty important stuff.
The variation in the tropopause is mainly associated with changes in latitude that make it high at the equator and lower at the poles. Thus, and again IF indeed air from the stratosphere IS involved, it suggests that at the equator, where most storms occur, the DALR could theoretically see dry air being heated, not by 'just' 120C but possibly by as much as 180oC by the time it reached the ground. And indeed, these figures should be taken as a minimum because the stratosphere is governed by a temperature inversion so that any air from higher up will also start out warmer and be heated even more by its longer descent.
In practice, once the temperature of the descending air gets significantly above that of the surrounding air, the added heat is radiatedfrom the core into the body of the air in the Eye wall . According to repeated sources within NOAA (US weather bureau), the temperature within the Eye of a cyclone is consistently "a balmy 84oF (28.9o)". ( ie significantly warmer than the surrounding eye wall)
Whilst little of the above is considered proven, the enormity of these possible effects may well play a major role in the mechanisms of our weather, and of cyclones in particular, and thus also in the possible results of the reactions being invoked by the ACE Mechanism, making it impossible to fully predict how these things will work out in practice.
It remains to be proven but I believe it has to be considered at least feasible that the ACE Mechanism is potentially the key to a future of totally sustainable clean energy that could be made available to all, night or day, almost anywhere on the planet in very short order. And furthermore, if conclusions can be drawn from conventional heat pump technology, it would also have to be seen as at least feasible that the ACE Mechanism could ultimately extract energy for every known purpose, simply from ice and snow