Genetic Tinkering in our Past


The Enigmas of History

The use of advanced technologies in the past is not limited to the energy delivery and transport system of the pyramids. All around the world, highly anomalous evidence is now available that challenges our old beliefs in many areas. There is, for example, clear evidence of highly organised, sophisticated, global trade and exchange as would be anticipated in native trade with an organised, sophisticated colonial power. To top

The list of physical evidence covers everything from brain surgery to advanced agricultural technology and crop breeding. At sites around the world, there is significant evidence of a sophisticated trade in stored and dried foods, narcotics, silk, herbs and spices. There is also considerable evidence of organised regional local industries, of the manufacture of very sophisticated produce on an industrial scale. There are numerous examples where highly sophisticated local cottage industries were organised for the large scale production of precious metals and gems, plus stone artifacts and many simpler items.

Secondary evidence from around the globe reveals an extraordinary level of commonality in the stories and legends and technology of peoples literally half a world apart.

What has been missing untril now, was physical evidence of how these trade goods were transported, where the goods went and who the visiting traders might have been and where they came from. However, as can now be shown, much of that evidence lies with the pyramids To top

Two Sides to Any Argument

The speculation about the mysterious events of our past can now be properly analysed. We can now piece together the puzzle on a framework of sound and credible evidence and understand the reality behind the many thousand stories and artifacts that span the globe. To top

By building a reconstruction based on acceptable scientific evidence, we should now be able to approach the problem in a rational way. However, it still requires a clear, unbiased analysis based on logic.

At this point in time, I believe that many scientists are as biased and irrational as their opponents in religion, being totally unprepared to debate the very obvious fact there are major issues that remain without a satisfactory answer. To top

Any uncompromising position is dangerous and likely to be of more benefit to radical extremes than to science. If scientists merely insist they are right, without explanation, they are no better than those they criticise.

In the Archaeology section I include evidence of errors made in the past that are still widely accepted in the general community. Poor analysis and illogical bias has allowed the truth about our past to be denied or hidden, to the serious detriment of all humanity. For more than a century now, we have been heading down a path that can only lead to the destruction of our climate and resources. To top

To get past the barrier created by this misinformation requires a return to basic science and the reassessment of the evidence at Giza and other sites. The truth lies in accepting evidence that says both sides are right, at least to some degree. To top

The Reconstruction of Our Past

The techniques available for rewriting our history include chemical and spectral analysis, x-rays, sophisticated DNA and other biotech analysis and the whole array of forensic sciences. The analysis must be built on physical evidence but must include an awareness of legends and myths, particularly those that are global in extent. To top

In the broader scene, it is now widely recognised that a relative newcomer to the field of science may provide definitive, biological evidence to resolve the confusion regarding our human origins. That evidence comes from the DNA of all living things that mutate naturally through the course of time.

By the natural processes of reproduction, DNA leaves an indelible identity trail that can be traced back down through generations right back to the earliest life forms, establishing a clear and provable line of descent. Comparisons between species and across timelines etc, is enabling an ever-clearer picture to be built up about our past. To top

Genetic changes occur naturally at a well defined rate. By analysis, the timing of can be established with some precision. The rate at which natural mutations occur can be reliably predicted, though not of course what the specific changes might be. The genetic record of DNA is like a clock, ticking away through the centuries, accumulating an endless list of slow but steady changes that reliably mark their exact place in history in both time and location.

Adding to the genetic evidence, chemical and spectral analysis can be used to determine the composition of materials, where they came from and whether they are natural or manufactured. A knowledge of construction techniques can also add to the evidence, proving, by their methodology, that the ancient builders used ultra modern techniques, not the methods previously ascribed to them. When combined, these analytical techniques can give us a much clearer picture of he past. To top

Reproductive Technology

In genetics, there are now two main ways in which significant changes can be introduced to a sequence of DNA in a genetic line.

The first, selective breeding, has been used by farmers and animal breeders for centuries and, until recently, was all we knew. Selective breeding is relatively slow in human terms but is still thousands of times faster than natural selection. To top

Although it commonly takes many generations to get the desired results (assuming they are available at all), selective breeding is now a well understood technology that we take very much for granted. It has been responsible for most of the improvements in domestic livestock and improved agricultural produce that we see on farms, in pet shops and at the greengrocers.

The new science of genetic modification (GM) is very different. It can make an almost unlimited range of alterations and do so in an instant. It is a new science discipline that is still learning the limits of what is possible or even desirable. Most people would be aware of the continuing debate about GM crops and how they are used. There is a rapidly increasing ethical and/or moral dilemma associated with stem cell research in human reproduction. To top

Genetic Detectives

Genetics can also be used in reverse, to determine the past history of living things. Geneticists are now able to read the changes in human (or any other) DNA and build a reliable picture of the order in which those changes took place. However, precisely how those changes took place is not on the record except by implication although this can ultimately be deduced by statistical logic and rational argument if there are any gross anomalies.

Genetics is still very much in a learning curve but there are already a number of anomalies in a range of areas under investigation that are difficult, if not impossible to explain within our traditional history. To top

There are still many uncertainties about our past, but as the picture comes clearer, traditional beliefs are becoming ever less sustainable. One thing though is certain, within a very short time genetics will be able to provide undeniable proof that will significantly change the historical record. It will be an unsettling time for those who would prefer to cling to traditional beliefs.

It is already possible to construct a comprehensive and rational scenario of our past that matches the available evidence . Despite the fears (and/or hopes) of many, I believe the truth will be shown as surprisingly close to the stories of legend and scriptures. Although the proof of this is still a little way away, my Creation Theory model suggests one viable, if somewhat startling possibility. There may be some small surprises but the evidence seriously limits the possibilities. To top

A Case of Bananas

Genetic detective work is not limited to the human genome, nor to reproductive technology in the strictest sense but it can still provide significant data previously unavailable. An archaeological dig was made in a midden (ancient tip site) in the Cameroons on the Guinea Coast of West Africa. Unearthed, was a find that, upon reflection, is decidedly strange and puzzling. To top

The mystery involves a major staple of the local diet, the banana, a valuable but unusual crop in a number of ways. The banana is available all year round and is a major dietary source of fibre, potassium, vitamins C and B6 but what is particularly unusual is that all edible forms of the fruit are sterile. Bananas do not reproduce at all from seed and only propagate from live cuttings that are very tender and difficult to keep viable. The banana plant is therefore entirely dependant on humans for its survival.

The banana is thought to have originated in Malaysia, where it was first cultivated into a valuable seedless fruit. According to the finds in the midden, bananas from Malaysia had somehow found its way to the west coast of Africa at least 2300 years ago, well prior to the Christian era. This might not seem so odd until the logistics are considered. Malaysia is 9000km from Cameroons and the journey by land and sea around (or across) Africa and the Indian Ocean would would have taken many months. To top

Is has been assumed the banana was introduced by arab traders but by even the most optimistic assessment, this would be stretching to the limits of their known range in both directions, east and west. Plus, there is the not inconsiderable difficulty to be overcome in just keeping clippings or plants healthy over the length of time involved.

It is not impossible that arab traders introduced the fruit but it would seem extraordinarily unlikely. However, unless an alternative can be suggested it would seem the only possibility. However, bananas are not the only crop with an unusual and perhaps hidden past. To top

Corn in America

Maize or corn is an outstanding crop, again a staple of the native people, in this case throughout America. Everything about it suggests that corn was specifically 'engineered'. Although native corn, teosinte or maiz de coyote, is found in southern Mexico, there is no record of any of the nature varieties being gathered as a crop by humans, although it was certainly eaten by a number of animals. To top

According to legend, and quite specifically, cultivated maize, as a crop, was given to the native people, as a gift from the gods. Significantly, like bananas, cultivated maize is also unable to propagate by itself. Although it does grow from seed, the husk casing and the tightly bonded seeds need to be physically separated. Without human intervention, corn would rapidly become extinct.

Geneticists have analysed the genetic record and discovered that around 4400 years ago (c2400BC), corn acquired 3 highly specific genetic modifications that made it significantly more useful as a crop. According to researchers in Germany, these modifications were all added together or within a comparatively short period of time. It seems the mutations (or modifications) had the result of making a somewhat tasteless, chewy, unappetising grain, into something very like the corn we know today although the cob was somewhat smaller. To top

The dietary value of corn may also be of some interest in this analysis. According to dietitians, there are 9 different dietary sugars that each appear to have some special value in the human diet, though precisely how requires more definition. The sugars include sucrose, dextrose, fructose, lactose, glucose etc.

Almost all fruits and vegetables contain one or two of these dietary sugars, one or two contain 3 but corn is unique in that it contains 7 of the 9 sugars listed. It is claimed to be the only known natural, vegetative source to contain more than 3. Whether the inclusion of these sugars is natural to the native plant, or was introduced later has yet to be defined but it does raise some interesting possibilities. To top

Apples and Pears

Contrary to popular perception, many common fruits and vegetables are not native to where they are now most commonly grown. This applies to most soft fruit and to apples and pears which are thought to have been imported (into Europe) from Asia in the late middle ages. The introduction of tomatoes and potatoes into the UK from America, reputedly by Sir Francis Drake, strongly confirms that useful new crops were widely prized as items of trade. To top

This general scenario would seem to support the idea that maritime traders could have carried these crops around the world, though the initial development of bananas and corn, in particular, would also still seem tied to a highly developed ability in plant breeding that of itself is quite remarkable. In America, the legends associated with the native development of agriculture specifically associate its development with alien benefactors from the heavens. However, whether they arrived by air from another country or anothe planet would seem impossible to determine from this evidence alone. To top

On to, Human Engineering

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