Pyramids are Everywhere

 Giza Pyramids
The Pyramids at Giza

The library of secret knowledge
locked up in stone within its design


A Case of General Ignorance

Everyone vaguely thinks they know all there is to know about pyramids. They were built thousands of years ago by unimaginably mighty and egotistical Pharaohs who merely wanted to enter the afterlife in regal style. According to popular myth, building pyramids was a common obsession found in a variety of forms in at least a dozen different countries all around the globe. Archaeologists claim this supposed obsession was inspired by an innate desire to build an altar or temple closer to their gods. They even go to extraordinary lengths to explain that the pyramid shape was 'a natural' because it was so difficult to build straight up. WHAT ABSOLUTE AND UTTER TWADDLE! To borrow an Australian euphemism and with apologies to no one, even Blind Freddie could see this is a total load of rubbish. To top

It has long been recognised that the Great Pyramid is the OLDEST, the LARGEST stone structure on Earth and, 4,500 years after it's construction is still arguably by far the MOST ACCURATE. To suggest the builders didn't know how to reliably build something, to make it last, is ridiculous to the point of insanity. Alongside the world's 50,000 pyramids, these same 'ignorant savages' were building magnificent vertical structures everywhere and, as can be witnessed at many an ancient site, an extraordinary number of them are still standing. To top

There is quite obvious evidence of numerous (mostly empty) sarcophaguses in some of the "true" pyramids but few indications they were ever included for anything but symbolic reasons. There is not a shred of real evidence to support the long-held assumption that pyramids were built purely as tombs and served no other function of any significance. On the contrary, the quite extraordinary precision of the Great Pyramid strongly suggests it must have served a very practical purpose indeed, one that required absolute, science-grade optical precision, not matched in its physical peection in all of human history to the present day. This is fact

It is also fact that no Pharaoh's body has ever been found in a major pyramid in Egypt.
(TRULY - Tutankhamen was found in an underground tomb in the Valley of the Kings and the few mummified bodies that have been discovered have all proved to be far more recent than the pyramid itself). To top

A few kings have been found in major pyramids (ie at Tecume, in Peru) but none in Egypt and the vast majority of major pyramids have revealed no formal associations with burial at all. However, in contrast, possibly 50% of the smaller pyramids in Egypt do appear to have been used as tombs. This would seem to suggest that using a pyramid as a tomb was a secondary, possibly an honorary role, adopted for a structure built for some other, more significant purpose. Otherwise, why weren't all they all used as tombs?

As an answer, it seems far more likely a revered leader was honored in his death by being buried in the massive structure that had brought great wealth to his people. He may have been largely responsible for its construction but it does not mean it was primarily intended as his (or her) tomb. In fact, the evidence would clearly seem to suggest otherwise. To top


Pyramids in Tenerife
Pyramids in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands

A Surprise location
for seven stone pyramids

Some Little-known Facts

It is also fact that the records of well-recognised archaeological societies around the world reveal well over 43,000 known pyramid sites, mostly in the Americas but also on every (habitable) continent, and on islands that stretch like a chain right around the planet. There are pyramids in North, Central and South America, in the Middle East, in Europe, Africa, Asia and one even suvives in Australia (near Gympie in Queensland). They are found on many islands in the Mediterranean and right across the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans.

If the present rate of their disappearance is any guide, the original number of these pyramids was probably well in excess of 100,000 and quite possibly double that number. The only obvious gap in the whole global chain is from the Canary islands, where 7 pyramids have been found, across the mid-Atlantic, where there simply are no islands on which to build. To top

IT IS FACT that most pyramids were built of mud or clay or natural stone. They are fast disappearing but were clearly manmade structures of enormous size, and they shared many common features.
Obviously, the pyramids built of dressed stone have fared far better but many of these are now covered in a layer of earth meters thick, making a positive identification extremely difficult. A large mound can disappear very easily in a jungle or out on a river plain subject to regular flooding. Even in a desert, in  5000 years, a pyramid can easily disappear beneath the sand or become so weathered as to be all but unrecognisable.

There are (at least) 12 "Great" pyramids and well over 1500 other major pyramids worldwide and by far the majority of these (well over 95%) were quite obviously never used or ever intended as tombs.

In the Americas alone, there are also over 42,000 small mastaba pyramidal "burial mounds" (a minimum 6m-10m high) and of these smaller structures, less than half are thought to have any association with or been used for burials of any kind. To top

There are also a great many (generally) far smaller structures, especially in the Sudan, that clearly were built as mausoleums. This is not anomalous if the owners were indeed strongly associated with the technology involved, as seems entirely evident.

IT IS FACT that globally there are at least six major regions that each contain upwards of 100 major pyramids (and up to 200x this number of small, "mastaba" stepped pyramids). At all sites (including Egypt), the chronology of pyramid construction shows these simple "mastaba" stepped pyramids were the first type built. Variations developed from there, up to and including the "true" pyramids in Egypt. In every region there is a clear chronology of design improvement and repeated enlargement. To top

More than 98% of all pyramids were built specifically as stepped pyramids and a great many were  repeatedly enlarged over a considerable period of time. And at least one of the world's largest stepped pyramids was later converted into a "true" pyramid. The story of the pyramid at Meidum in Egypt is especially pertinent and is examined in my first videos. To top

At many sites, in America especially, pyramids were simply given a complete new shell that approximately doubled its volume every few years (usually over 26 or 52 years, periods significant in their calendar).

Repeated enlarging a tomb is ridiculous and illogical but repeated enlargement of a major public facility could possibly make a lot of sense, especially if that enlargement was linked to greater public benefits as I am sure was the case.

At numerous major locations across the globe, the first small mastaba pyramid was commonly enlarged five or six times. Indeed, 18 repeated enlargements on the one structure is the record so far according to one source. To top

There can be no question there's an extremely strong incidence of common features among the world's pyramids. The ratio of their sizes and their numbers, their global alignment, height, scale and dimensions and even decoration, all demonstrate they served a single role and purpose. The occurrence of twin pyramids is also common, often being built by the same Pharaoh. To top


Also common, is that pyramid sizes around the world were closely based on the unit known in Egypt as the cubit (approximately 500mm-518mm). In every region pyramids they are found in multiples of 50, 100, 200 and 400 cubits (appx 25m, 50m, 100m, 200m) . Each doubling produced a pyramid 4 times larger in volume than the size before.

Although the Great Pyramid breaks the rule by being 10% larger at 440cubits( 230m), the second Great (Giza) Pyramid is 400 cubits, showing a return to the basic formula. It suggests the Great Pyramid took this particular form of the technology to its utmost limits. The Great Pyramid is by far the largest and most perfect of the "true" pyramids but is by no means the largest pyramid of all. To top


Candi Sukuh, Indonesia
Not the first place you'd look for the
remains of three unusual miniature pyramids, clearly copies of some
in Central America


Tahiti, Pacific Ocean

Drawing by one of Capt Cook's crew of a pyramid in Tahiti


White Pyramid, SE China  

Over 500m at the base, one of the largest pyramids in the world, one of 27 in the immediate area.


Cahokia, Illinois, USA 

Pyamid at Monks Mound, surrounded by around 30 medium-sized pyramids and an estimated 20,000 smaller so-called burial mounds within 200km.

Distribution of Pyramids

The ubiquitous nature of pyramids is matched by extraordinary similarities in the design of its features half a world apart. A pyramid at Candi Sukuh, in Java is an almost identical miniature to some of those found in Mexico.

In concentrating on the burial aspect, archaeologists ignore the fact they all stem from very similar origins. The Egyptian "true" pyramids certainly have some unique features but they are clearly a slightly unusual offshoot from the general run of pyramid technology. To top

In Egypt, the chronology of the development from 'stepped' pyramid to 'true' is now well documented by researchers like Mark Lehner et al and there is no question that, 'true' or 'stepped' they are all a part of the same technology. The only question that remained was, how do the pieces fit together?

A close examination of the early surveys can now be matched with the discoveries of NASA and other research establishments to reveal the unmistakable truth. To top

The Birth of Global Trade

The pyramids seem to be linked through trade with each region specialised in its own industrial-scale enterprise, be it the production of special foodstuffs, narcotics, silk, cotton, herbs, gems or specialised stone artifacts. It seems highly likely that the early trade routes out of China and across to the Middle East may well have developed when the original customers disappeared. Each region developed a trade in unusual products such as silks and spices and tea. Commonly the trrade was in anything unusual that just might have medicinal properties, like the bile of bear or rhino horn. To top

Value for Money

Science is now realising the enormous (commercial) value of our planet's bio-diversity, the basic DNA of every living thing. As genetics and biomedicines are developed, we are coming the the realisation that the value of rare plants, fish or animals products is potentially almost beyond calculation. To top

How much more valuable would that genetic (DNA) biodiversity be to beings from another world assuming, as now seems almost certain, their life form was also based on DNA?

We now know that creating a new, useful biomedical product can be a one-in-a-billion chance. The odds are far, far better to find some active peptide that has already evolved naturally, discover its special properties and identify how it might aid us as a medicine or a catalyst or other specialist use.

Scientists are racing to log the genetic blueprint of every living thing, particularly anything that is rare or has obviously unusual properties. Poisons, drugs and toxins are especially sought after, as are natural products like silk that have special mechanical qualities. To top

Any new genetic medicine could easily be more valuable than even the rarest mineral or gem. Is this the basis of the spice trade and the Chinese craving for rare and unusual exotic animal products that they assume to have medicinal powers?

The global evidence of ancient trade may not seem immediately obvious but it is definitely there, especially if the true value of personal health services and things like DNA are considered. It simply requires some consideration of what would be of particular value to both parties in such an exchange. To top

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