Evidence of Lost Technologies

The Truth about Pyramids

Throughout recorded history, people have sought answers to the great mysteries of our past and although many  were well intentioned, many more were adventurers simply seeking fame, wealth and notoriety. Indeed, until possibly the last century, very few had any true understanding of the need for scientific methodology or even the desirability of preserving evidence for a totally impartial analysis.

The man responsible for the change in attitude was Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853-1942). However, whilst Petrie's seminal work at Giza defined the technical perfection of the Great Pyramid other pyramids around the world were being discovered.  The newly discovered pyramids initially seemed no more than insignificant, inferior copies of those in Egypt and thus were largely ignored. The facts are rather different but only with a holistic approach was it possible to uncover the truth, as I've attempted to reveal here. To top

Knighted in 1923 for his services to archaeology, Petrie is still regarded today as the “Father of Egyptology” and almost solely responsible for introducing 'true scientific methodology' to research where such discipline is now the accepted mean. The detailed figures from Petrie's (1881/82) survey of the Great Pyramid, published in 1883 as "The Pyramids and Temples at Gizeh", were fully confirmed in 1925 by yet another survey conducted by JH Cole on behalf of the Egyptian Government. Petrie's findings are central to finally proving the truth about our past and the discoveries I have made in recent times.

Petrie proved the Great Pyramid as being more accurate in its construction than he was able to measure. As an expert and meticulous surveyor, he was totally aware of the implications of his discoveries and was blown away with what he found. He proved the pyramids accuracy as ten times more accurate than was  recognised at the time, claiming the mean average of all the errors in its construction was no more than 5/16th inch (16mm) and "would be covered by a thumbprint.", even among specialist Egyptologists.

4500 years after its construction, the Great Pyramid is still by far the most accurate major structure on our planet and the implications of this knowledge were not lost on Petrie. Since it clearly impossible to build to the limit of your measurement he was at a loss to explain how it was even possibly to build to such extraordinary precision. To top

Unfortunately, by an extraordinary set of circumstances, the figures recorded by Petrie never received the wide publicity they deserved. Indeed, until quite recently, the far less precise, earlier figures published by Piazzi Smyth in 1965, that the pyramid "is accurate to within 8 inches", have remained those most widely recognised and almost universally quoted.

As recently as 2002, a noted Egyptologist (whose name I'll withhold) mildly ridiculed me when I mentioned that Smyth's data was innaccurate by an order of magnitude. Despite being a professional Egyptologist in charge of a major dig on the Giza plateau, this eminent personage was entirely unaware of Petrie's findings and claimed the accuracy I quoted was impossible and I must therefore be mistaken.

This discrepancy between fact and what is generally accepted as fact is an extraordinary story in its own right (see history's greatest fraud). And as I will be debate later in more detail, the fact the truth was lost (again) or somehow hidden for over 120 years has set the advancement of our whole civilisation back a century or more and possibly threatened its very existence. To top

A Global Connection

The evidence at Giza ties in with evidence from around the world that ultimately proves the Great Pyramids are connected to all other pyramids within the operation of a single (highly flexible) technology. That technology involves various means of utilising beamed energy to power both air- and spacecraft. The possibility, that this was the answer to numerous obvious anomalies of our past was first proposed by myself around 1960 to raving disinterest. Over the intervening decades, numerous technologies I deduced so long ago have since come to light, most notably geopolymers and beamed energy propulsion. The ancient evidence has largely been by-passed but can still reveal considerable depth of knowledge about how those ancient technologies were used back then and might still be used again. To top

If the development of beamed energy technology for example were considered in parallel with the chronology of pyramid building, it would give us many clues about how to it might be redevelop and reintroduced. Not all features are visible at all sites and the initial development of each site was historically staggered over a period of 5 or 6 millennia. By roughly following the chronological order of progress (where visible) the reintroduction of the many variables of a complex technology might be somewhat simplified. To top

The Key is Beamed Energy

The key to the whole mystery, is that the pyramids were about the controlled use of vast quantities of energy to power both air and spacecraft. This may initially seem hard or even impossible to believe but when viewed holistically, the evidence is now all-but complete and entirely consistent with my theory

The basic energy came from the sun but, for a variety of reasons  mostly associated with increasing its energy-density and operational range, sunlight was converted into various forms of beamed energy. Initially this conversion was made in space but later the technology became available at the ground, as can b deduced from evidence at Giza and other sites. The energy form most commonly used was clearly microwaves, possibly in the form of a  maser, the frequency-tuned form of microwaves. It seems all but certain that in the distant past the use of lasers  (if used at all) was reserved for use in space where air pollution would not present a problem and the laser's significant range would  offer obvious benefits.  To top

The combination of pyramids and direct solar energy was unique to Giza and quite specifically to the pharaohs of the 3rd and 4th dynasty, most notably of course, the pharaohs Sneferu, Khufu and Khafre, the main builders of the pyramids at Giza, Dahshur and Meidum. The earlier pharoahs, of the 1st and 2nd dynasty built microwave pyramids, powered from space and by the 4th dynasty, the 6 known (so-called) Sun Pyramids indicate they again used microwaves but now produced from sunlight received at the ground. This can be deduced by reverese engineering from the physical elements that remain.

Thus it is that even in Egypt the evidence suggests pyramid builders started with microwaves, went to solar and then returned again to a more advanced form of  microwave technology. It seems clear then that the 'true' pyramids of Giza eventually lost out to a more advanced and ultimately cheaper technology. To top

In the Americas and in other regions, like India, China and Cambodia where "pyramid technology" was introduced, the remaining evidence demonstrates numerous variations on the same basic theme. There is always strong local involvement and a gradual increase in the general level of sophistication available across the whole period

Although pyramids are clearly the key, the fact was hidden by the refusal of archaeologists to accept any connection between the extraordinarily perfect Egyptian pyramids and the other, mostly stepped pyramids around the world. This seems extremely odd when 85% of the pyramids in Egypt were stepped pyramids, all-but identical to all the rest. To top

After 5000 years, it is the many variations in the technology that now provide absolute and unequivocal proof, both of the many forms this technology can take but also why the 'true' pyramids of Giza needed to be so precise and why their use died out. Precision was essential for a solar-powered pyramid  if it was to serve any significant role using direct solar as its primary source of power. At the time they were built all other pyramids used microwaves, supplied from space at four times the energy-density (and cost?) by a third party, presumably alien traders.

Going solar gave the Egyptians a degree of independence and significant leverage in their trade arrangements. These are things any businessman can can relate to in the modern era and there no reason to believe the Egyptians were any less sophisticated in these things than we are today. They certainly knew all about contracts and trade agreements, as these have been found, some even relate to the construction of pyramids. To top

However, what I had previously ignored was that the pyramids also served a secondary role in controlling local climate and in this the building of the second pyramid would have more than doubled the efficiency and value of the complex as a whole. In creating pressure differentials and controlling the weather, the inverse square rule applies and a doubling of power would have nearly quadrupled the pyramids' effectiveness in producing rain.

Within 150 years pyramid technology in Egypt had moved on and more advanced technology had become available to convert sunlight to microwaves at the ground. The need for extreme size and supreme precision in the pyramids primary role passed and 4th dynasty pyramids were commonly built in pairs, both around 50m high, one a true pyramid and the other a new type of pyramid more like a senotaph or oblelisk, now known as the Sun Temples. The dimensions of the Sun temple complexes show they used  a more energy-dense and concentrated source, presumably microwaves but now produced from sunlight at ground level.  To top

Although this reconstruction is based on deduction, the depth of evidence now available leaves little room for doubt about regional motivations and the nature of each nation's involvement.

Basically, it is totally evident in each region that when the technology was first introduced, small stepped pyramids were used for a time and these were then enlarged. Commonly they double and redouble in size and/or volume, In the America's especially, pyramids were commonly enlarges 5 or 6 times (with 18 the record so far).  This repeated enlergement was first seen with Djoser's pyramid at Saqqara. The reasons for this are now clear and very obvious. Increased payloads mean increased profits and increased wealth and well-being. To top

However, the evidence of the pyramids as launch mechanisms is only one aspect of this technology. In addition to the air and spacecraft that were powered by these energy beams, the secondary effect, only recently recognised, is that the vertical beams of energy inevitably affected local weather by sucking in warm, moist air and sending it into the sky to create clouds and ultimately produce rain.

As will be detailed later. the principal effects on local weather (ie climate) are almost entirely beneficial and essentially a passive technolgy. Once built the regular creation of rain was an entirely automatic side effect. However, the evidence and the physics suggest it is also entirely possible to significantly enhance the effects on the climate should it be so desired, which it clearly was.

I have to confess that for over 50 years I repeatedly underestimated the significance of this technology but I now recognise it as the essential key to our future if we are ever to escape the grip of global warming brought on by our dependency on fossil fuels. To understand fully how the climate control system worked, a closer look at the variations in the building and use of 'pyramids' as a technology, may be of some assistance. Fortunately, the local use of the name 'pyramid' has helped in identifying some of the more unusual specimens discussed in the next session. To top

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